Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Fun in the Sun!

So Much Fun In the Sun!

We had an absolutely wonderful time at the beach Saturday! It has been 4 whole months since we have been - we were in need of a refreshing get-away! We praise the Lord that the weather, our health, and Brett being here- finally all came together on the same day - so that we could go!
The water was a bit on the cool side, so we played in the sand quite a bit! :) The kids swam as long as they could take it - until their lips turned purple and their bodies were shaking! :) They would then run out to play in the sand to warm up before heading back out again.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Morning Sardines

This morning we visited Pastor Jean Alex's church in Petit Anse. Upon our arrival, we were told that the children met for church in the school building back behind the church. So, I led Brianna, Jake and Alanna out to the school, where all the children met in one of the classrooms. The 12ft. by 15 ft. room was packed full of children. One of the teachers made a place for our kids, and without hesitation our children followed her through the crowd of kids to their designated place across the room.

I stared after them in total amazement! Had that been me at their age...I would have hid my face in my mama's skirt and clung to her with all my might!

But our kids took it all in stride, found their place to sit and settled right in. So, I returned to the adult service. When church was over, I went back to pick up our kids and asked the children's leader how many were in children's church this morning.. He told me that there were 148 children!

Whew! 148 children, plus about 5 workers in a 12 ft. by 15 ft. room.

Despite the cramped quarters, our kids seemed to have enjoyed themselves. I wish that I had a photo to go with the story. I really need to try to remember to carry our camera with us when we leave the house. Our little sardines would have made a great picture!